Create a Backup for Your Car Key

Arrange for car key duplication services in Kalamazoo, MI or one of the surrounding areas

If you want to make sure that you never lose access to your car, you need a spare car key. Keys R Us is happy to provide you with car key duplication services in Kalamazoo, MI or a surrounding area. We can duplicate your car key with or without the existing key. Using precise cutting methods, we’ll create a spare car key that’s guaranteed to be accurate.

Talk to us today to schedule car key duplication services.

A person is holding a car key in front of a car.

Get the details on our process

When you ask us for a spare car key, you can expect us to follow a straightforward process. We’ll:

  • Verify that you own your vehicle
  • Analyze your car key
  • Create a replica of your car key
  • Program your transponder if necessary
  • Test your car key

After we’re finished, we’ll give you your new spare key.

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